Saturday, September 11, 2004

Moodiness ruins my relationship

Q: I'm dating a great guy, but lately I've been very moody. Nothing causes it -- I just get that way sometimes. My boyfriend is really frustrated by it. He feels that he has to constantly ask me "What's wrong?" and "Are you OK?" I know if this continues I'll push him away, even though that's the last thing I want!
A: If this isn't a classic male-female problem, I don't know what is.
It's fine that you're a moody mess sometimes. I am the moodiest person in 43 states. And my moods change like lightning. One minute I feel capable of changing the world; the next, I plunge into existential despair.
This has driven several boyfriends up the wall and out the window. They thought they had to turn into Super Mood Buster Guy, fix my moods and make me happy! Ha!


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